Placement Update – Christiana

The beauty of politics is that it’s so unpredictable. No two days are the same; you are forever kept on your toes. The duties an intern performs reach far and wide, sometimes farther and wider than you had thought: whether or not you were in September, by October you’re becoming, and by November you’ve become a Jack(ie) of all trades. Last week as the constituency staffers of my office were unable to attend, I was asked to represent the office at a two-day Liberal Constituency Staff Seminar at Queen’s Park. Liberal Constituency staffers came from across the province to take part in seminars, workshops and roundtables on government policy and direction. The two days were extremely interesting, my pen never leaving the page. I was impressed by those who hosted the meetings, but more so, by those who attended. Constituency workers are the frontline of any politician’s office. They deal with the nitty-gritty issues brought to them by their community members. They are listeners, problem solvers, supporters. And leaders. It was one thing to work out of the constituency office for a few days and experience the real politics that goes on there every minute of every day. It was another to sit in a room of over 50 people who spend their every minute of every day working to improve their communities. It’s experiences like these that make the unpredictable oh so very exciting.