Working in Mrs. Witmer’s Office

This week marked my first with Mrs. Witmer at the Queen’s Park office.
I was glad to have begun my placement the week before during constituency week, since it allowed me to get used to the office and to learn the little details of how things are done before the more
fast paced environment that prevails while the house is sitting too
over. When I arrived Monday morning, I was thrown right in to things. Mrs. Witmer asked me to prepare her statement for Women’s History Month. I spent the morning doing research and putting together the statement, which was then read in the house that very afternoon. It was definitely pretty exciting to watch Mrs. Witmer on the legislature television channel from the office while she read the statement that I had written! The pace and time frame for writing is definitely much quicker than what I was used to at university and I’ve quickly learned that I will need to get over my tendency to want every sentence that I write to be absolutely perfect – there just isn’t time. I’ve also had the opportunity to sit in on a couple of stakeholder meetings with Mrs. Witmer which has been really interesting. I’m looking forward to getting to know Mrs. Witmer better and to learning more about the work that the office does.

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